Sunday, December 6, 2009

Road Sloths

Fast drivers can be a nuisance on public roads (if so then I'm a big nuisance). However the unusually speedy (not to mention dangerous) drivers are quite uncommon. There is however another breed of drivers with an uncanny ability to drive exceptionally slow. Although they do not directly cause turmoil on the road, if met by an impatient man behind the wheel of the car in their rear view mirror, it could be catastrophic.

       Worst case scenario:
"As the impatient driver drives along the fast lane, he is forced to slam on the brakes because dead ahead is what seems to be a stalled car! His initial reaction of panic is taken over by rage as he realizes the car ahead is actually moving at a snails pace. Any slower, the car ahead might start moving backwards. With the furious driver's mind taken over by rage, brains the size of a golfball and balls the size of mars,  he changes lanes without looking out to overtake the slothful driver not realizing a motorcyclist had been in the blind spot of his mirror. CRASH!!"

..... need I say more? The lethargic ignorant driver caused the life of a motorist. The reason? Driving too slow in the fast lane! Come on slow coaches the slow lane is constructed for a reason... YOU! And this is NOT America where slow drivers keep to their right!

-r a v i n d-