Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"The CAR or the Girl" which do you choose between the both??

I was driving with a friend sometime back and he asked me a question that was highly philosophical and thought provoking. The question was "which would you choose, the car of your dreams or the hottest girl in sight??". For those of you who prefer images, which would you choose, Gisselle Bundchen or the 2008 Ferrari F430??? I don’t know why but without even blinking I said "the f430 la bro"...Well to our female followers, trust me I am not a chauvinist or even a misogynist but the logic to me seems to be clear. Well on behalf of all the boys out there, allow me to plead my case.

The girl... or the car?

My first point maybe abit unsound but we (the Autobros) propose that a car is cheaper to maintain as compared to the average girl. The car doesn’t demand anything its just happy the way it is, where else most girls albeit not all would give u a subtle hint "Baby that bag would go so well with my dress, I wish I could have it"(put together with a puppy dog face).And hence most guys would by then start digging into their wallets and bank accounts to please her at the danger of provoking her wrath. A car doesn’t, it doesn’t beg for new rims, a new interior unless YOU (the owner) decide that it needs new rims.

A car wouldn’t use you and then hang you out to dry only to return when it needs your help. Well again I know a few ladies like that. A car really doesn’t mean to break you heart where else a girl would do something with full knowledge that it would upset you but do it nonetheless and act like as if they never knew that it would hurt you.

Even if you treat a car badly the day before by going through a rough road or a high road hump, it would most probably still start faithfully the next morning without throwing a tantrum or a hissy fit like some girls do.A car doesn’t PMS every month and only has a mild disruption if you don’t properly service the car every now and then. Further a car doesn’t get jealous that you look at another car or drive another car that’s better. A car gives you pleasure every time you want it and not every time they want as compared to a girl. A car won’t make you wait for 2 hours just to get ready when you are rushing somewhere.

Well I might expect some heated comments about this but trust me it’s just the way guys feel. I am not just speaking on behalf of myself but my fellow brothers who share the same logic which I am putting forward. Trust me I have gone thru enough girls and all their "wonders" to have suffiencent experience and exposure that qualifies me to write this. So hence in my view a car is better then a girl in certain ways but not all. There are certain things that a car can’t do yet but with the marvels of technology anything is possible in the future. Take care people


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